This mom responded like a badass after being told that a “bikini isn’t appropriate for a mother”

File this one under “Yasss, kween!”
Kansas City, Missouri mom Lexi Sinclair was at a public swimming pool with her 4-month-old son, Christian, this week when a fellow pool-goer had some words to say about her attire—and they weren’t exactly pleasant.
“[She told] me that the men at the pool would feel more comfortable if I was in a one-piece swim suit,” Sinclair wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday, “Because a bikini isn’t appropriate for a mother, especially one who’s ‘still recovering.'”
Posted by Lexi Sinclair on  Wednesday, August 3, 2016
So what did this leopard-bikini-rocking mother do? She responded with this straightforward—and straightforwardly badass—message:

“I’m proud of my body. In just one year I’ve gained 50 pounds, and lost 37. I’ve grown a human and given birth to a beautiful miracle. My body provided food for my child. So, no, my body might not be the best sight for other men to see. My stretch marks and tummy pudge might not be sexy. But they’re proof that I’ve done something amazing, and I have a man that loves me and finds me even sexier and more beautiful now.

As you might expect, Sinclair’s post quickly went viral; it’s been shared over 19,000 times to date. She wrote in a followup Facebook message, “I NEVER expected the responses I’ve gotten. The support from my friends, family and STRANGERS is amazing.
So today I took my 4 month old son to the pool. While putting Christians pool hat on, a woman (maybe mid 50s) comes up...
Posted by Lexi Sinclair on  Tuesday, August 2, 2016
“I’m so thankful for all of you, and I’m glad I could help boost so many other women’s confidence!”
You’ve certainly boosted our confidence, Lexi!
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